
These methods are often used to ensure security and protect data in the “Smart Home” system.

  1. Encrypt(val): This method is used for data encryption. It takes a value (val) as input and encrypts it, typically to ensure the security of confidential information or data.

  2. Decrypt(val): This method is used for data decryption. It takes the encrypted value (val) as input and decrypts it, returning it to its original state.

Example of using the Encrypt and Decrypt methods in the “Smart Home” system in the JavaScript programming language:

// Data Encryption
const originalData = "Secret Information"; // Original data
const encryptedData = Encrypt(originalData); // Encryption

console.log("Original Data:", originalData);
console.log("Encrypted Data:", encryptedData);

// Data Decryption
const decryptedData = Decrypt(encryptedData); // Decryption

console.log("Decrypted Data:", decryptedData);

In this example, we first encrypt the string “Secret Information” using the Encrypt method. Then we decrypt the encrypted data using the Decrypt method. After decryption, we get the original data back.

Last modified February 5, 2024: Merge pull request #270 from e154/master (7108cb6)