
These methods can be valuable when developing automated scenarios or applications in the “Smart Home” system where geographical aspects need to be considered, such as device locations, safety zones, or other geographic-related information.

  1. GeoDistanceToArea(areaId, point): This method allows you to determine the distance between a specified point (point) and a geographical area identified by its identifier (areaId). Typically, it is used to determine how close a point is to a specific area.

  2. GeoPointInsideArea(areaId, point): This method is used to check if a given point (point) is inside a geographical area identified by its identifier (areaId). It returns a boolean value (true/false) indicating whether the point belongs to the specified area.

  3. GeoDistanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2): This method enables you to calculate the distance between two specified points (point1 and point2). It is commonly used to measure the distance between two geographic coordinates, for example, to determine the distance between two devices or locations.

  4. Example of using GeoDistanceToArea:

# Determining the distance from point (55.7558, 37.6176) to the geographical area with the identifier "my_area."
distance = GeoDistanceToArea("my_area", { latitude: 55.7558, longitude: 37.6176 })

if distance < 1000
  console.log("The point is close to the geographical area.")
  console.log("The point is far from the geographical area.")
  1. Example of using GeoPointInsideArea:
# Checking if the point (40.7128, -74.0060) is inside the geographical area with the identifier "nyc."
isInside = GeoPointInsideArea("nyc", { latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060 })

if isInside
  console.log("The point is inside New York.")
  console.log("The point is outside New York.")
  1. Example of using GeoDistanceBetweenPoints:
# Calculating the distance between two points.
point1 = { latitude: 34.0522, longitude: -118.2437 }
point2 = { latitude: 37.7749, longitude: -122.4194 }

distance = GeoDistanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2)

console.log("Distance between points:", distance, "km")
Last modified February 5, 2024: Merge pull request #270 from e154/master (7108cb6)