Modbus tcp

In the Smart Home system, there is a Modbus TCP plugin implemented that enables interaction with devices using the Modbus TCP protocol. The plugin provides the ModbusTcp(func, addr, count, command) method, which allows sending commands and receiving data using the specified protocol.

Arguments of the ModbusTcp method:

  1. func: Modbus function code indicating the type of operation to perform with the device.
  2. addr: Modbus device address to which the command is sent.
  3. count: Number of registers or bits to read or write.
  4. command: Command to be executed, indicating additional parameters and settings.

Usage example:

const COMMAND = []
const FUNC = 'ReadHoldingRegisters'
const ADDRESS = 0
const COUNT = 16

const response = ModbusTcp(FUNC, ADDRESS, COUNT, COMMAND);

The ModbusTcp method allows sending Modbus TCP commands, performing register reads or writes, and retrieving data from devices. You can use this method in your Smart Home project to interact with devices that support the Modbus TCP protocol.


  • slave_id 1-32
  • address_port localhost:502


  • Custom set


  • Custom set


  • Custom set

Available Functions

1-bit functions

ReadCoils ReadDiscreteInputs WriteSingleCoil WriteMultipleCoils

16-bit functions

ReadInputRegisters ReadHoldingRegisters ReadWriteMultipleRegisters WriteSingleRegister WriteMultipleRegisters

JavaScript Properties

  • ModbusRtu
  • entityAction
  • Action
# Constant with a unique device ID
# Execute a command (function) on the device:
result = ModbusTcp(func, addr, count, command)
Value Description
func Function to be executed on the device
addr Address of the first register (40108-40001 = 107 = 6B hex)
count Number of registers to read (reading 3 registers from 40108 to 40110)
command Command
# Event handler function for actions:
entityAction = (entityId, actionName, args)->
Value Description
entityId Unique ID of the device
actionName System name of the action
args Type: map[string]any
state = {
  new_state: 'ENABLED',
  attribute_values: {
    heat: false
  settings_value: {},
  storage_save: true
# Save the state 
EntitySetState ENTITY_ID, state
Value Description
new_state Unique system name of the state
attribute_values Values of attributes previously defined for the device
settings_value Values of settings previously defined for the device
storage_save Flag indicating whether to save the state

Example CoffeeScript code

# ModbusTcp
# ##################################
"use strict";

checkStatus = ->
  COMMAND = []
  FUNC = 'ReadHoldingRegisters'
  COUNT = 16

  print res.error
  print res.result
  print res.time

entityAction = (entityId, actionName, args)->
  switch actionName
    when 'ON' then doOnAction()
    when 'OFF' then doOffAction()
    when 'CHECK' then checkStatus()
    when 'ON_WITH_ERR' then doOnErrAction()

Last modified February 5, 2024: Merge pull request #270 from e154/master (7108cb6)